We have the most amazing supporters! Thanks for your generosity to Reach. When you volunteer, pray, donate items on our Reach Needs List and/or send monetary gifts, your kindness touches many people in need.
One-time or Recurring Donations – Here are some options you might want to consider:
- Schedule donations using your bank’s online bill-pay system.
- Use your Paypal account to make a one-time donation or to set up a monthly donation. Click Give Cheer and 100% of your Paypal donation will go to Reach — no fees deducted!
- If you don’t want to donate online, we will be happy to receive a check by mail.
Do you shop on Amazon? If so, please take a few moments to sign up for the AmazonSmile program and select REACH as your charity. The database does not list us by the acronym, so please search “Religious Effort to Assist and Care for the Homeless, Inc.” to find us. When you do this, .5% percent of your qualifying purchases will be donated to Reach of Washington County.
Fundraising Events
Taste of the Town– Typically the last Sunday in September at the beautiful Maryland Theatre. Save the Date 09/28/2025
Check out our 2024 PowerPoint: https://youtu.be/ojdxb0BHYsE
Coldest Night of the Year– The last Saturday in February at ARCC | Hagerstown Community College (hagerstowncc.edu). Save the Date 02/22/2025.
Matching Funds Campaign- November-December