We have the most amazing supporters! Thanks for your generosity to Reach. When you volunteer, pray, donate items on our Reach Needs List and/or send monetary gifts, your kindness touches many people in need. Thank you!
One-time or Recurring Donations – Here are some options you might want to consider:
- Schedule donations using your bank’s online bill-pay system. Contact Corinne at Corinne@reachofwc.org or 301-733-2371 X-101 for help with the process.
- Use your PayPal account to make a one-time donation or to set up a monthly donation. Visit our PayPal Giving Fund page and 100% of your PayPal donation will go to Reach — no fees deducted!
- If you don’t want to donate online, we will be happy to receive a check by mail or in person if you want to stop by for a visit.
Do you shop on Amazon? If so, please check out our Amazon Wish List.
Consider Supporting one of our annual fundraising events below:
Fundraising Events

Coldest Night of the Year– The last Saturday in February at ARCC | Hagerstown Community College (hagerstowncc.edu). Save the Date 02/22/2025.

Taste of the Town– Typically the last Sunday in September at the beautiful Maryland Theatre. Save the Date 09/28/2025
Check out our 2024 PowerPoint: https://youtu.be/ojdxb0BHYsE